Celebrate, From the Heart / February 4, 2023

I Can Buy Myself Flowers

Hey mommas!

I am talking to you!  Yea you!

What have you done for yourself lately?

Probably nothing!?!  Am I right?

I think when we have kids, we unknowingly sign a declaration or maybe it is a deal with the devil that we will go without forever to make sure our kids have all that they need and most of what they want.  It is unspoken commitment but one I gladly agreed to the first time I looked at that beautiful little face.  I live for my kids.

I know!  I know!  Someone is going to tell me that it’s not healthy, and I need time for myself.  You know how it goes…if the plane starts going down, put your mask on first.

I will agree I intuitively know I need to work on self-care but the GUILT. Yall, mom guilt is alive and thriving at my house.

Time (even an hour) spent focused on myself is few and far between.  Somebody inevitably needs laundry done, help with a project, a ride to a game or is literally dying from starvation in the other room.

But…it’s February!  The month of love.

So…here are my top 14 ways I plan to love myself this year:

  1. Buy myself flowers
  2. Write my name in the sand
  3. Talk to myself for hours
  4. Say things you won’t understand
  5. Take myself dancing
  6. Hold my own hand
  7. Love me better than you can (wait…hold up…this sounds like a Miley Cyrus song 😊).

Let me start over without those dang lyrics running around in my head:


  1. Buy myself flowers
  2. Take a long walk alone
  3. Order my favorite take out
  4. Toast with my favorite bottle of wine
  5. Do a random act of kindness
  6. Work on a new craft project
  7. Light my favorite soy candle
  8. Sit in front of a fire
  9. Cook a new recipe (someone else is going to need to do the dishes)
  10. Take a class
  11. Spend a day at the beach (and tell no one)
  12. Binge Netflix
  13. Buy something new
  14. Watch the sunset

What will you do?  How will you take care of YOU this year?

